
High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure services offered in McKinney and Princeton, TX

High Blood Pressure
About High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure isn’t something you feel, but it can lead to serious health complications like a heart attack or stroke. At Alliance Primary Care in Princeton and McKinney, Texas, Danielle Hawkins, APRN, provides individualized care for high blood pressure. Danielle partners with you, educating you about your blood pressure, how it affects your health, and how you can effectively treat it. Call or schedule an appointment at Alliance Primary Care online today. Telehealth appointments are available.

High Blood Pressure Q&A

What causes high blood pressure?

The underlying cause of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, isn’t always clear. However, you’re at greater risk of having high blood pressure as you get older, especially if it runs in your family or if you have an underlying health issue that affects blood pressure. 

There are two types of high blood pressure:

Primary hypertension

Primary hypertension has no single cause and occurs gradually over several years. Most people with high blood pressure have primary hypertension.

Secondary hypertension

Secondary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that develops from an underlying health condition such as kidney disease, sleep apnea, or the use of stimulant medications. 

Secondary hypertension develops quickly and causes higher blood pressure readings than primary hypertension. 

Why should I worry about high blood pressure?

You should worry about high blood pressure because it often develops without causing symptoms and is a risk factor for serious health problems like a heart attack and stroke. 

Your blood pressure measures the amount of force placed on the walls of the blood vessels during and in between heartbeats. When the pressure is consistently too high, it causes the elastic blood vessels to stiffen and narrow, making it harder for the heart to pump blood.

In addition to heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure increases your risk of heart failure, kidney disease, and vascular dementia. Early diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure may reduce your risk of developing more serious complications. 

What can I do to lower my high blood pressure?

At Alliance Primary Care, Danielle customizes treatment plans for high blood pressure after completing a thorough history and physical. She talks to you about your health, the effects high blood pressure has on your body, and all of your treatment options.

You can reduce your high blood pressure by:

  • Eating a heart-healthy diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Managing stress
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Danielle also provides medication management for high blood pressure, prescribing drugs that reduce your numbers when lifestyle interventions fail to get the best results. She also offers weight-loss services. 

Danielle partners with you, providing the tools you need to improve your blood pressure and health. Call Alliance Primary Care today or schedule your high blood pressure consultation online.